Diane Jodes
As Time Goes By 2016
Centre d'art Nei Liicht, Dudelange (L)
Still Life, Life Line 2012
Galerie Terres Rouges, Kulturfabrik, Esch-Alzette (L)
Neu Gemischt 2009
Diane Jodes and Petra Jung
Galerie du Château Bourglinster, Luxembourg
Revisiting Irving Berlin 2009
Diane Jodes and Robert Hall
Luxembourg House, New York City, USA
other exhibitions (selection)
solo exhibitions
2022 Preserve(s), Fellner Contemporary, Luxembourg-City
2019 Ménageries, Fellner Louvigny Gallery, Luxembourg-City
2016 As Time Goes By, Centre d'art Nei Liicht, Dudelange, Luxembourg
2012 Still Life, Life Line, Galerie Terre Rouge, Kulturfabrik, Esch/Alzette, Luxembourg
2009 Neu Gemischt, Château Bourglinster, Luxembourg
Revisiting Irving BerlinLuxembourg House, New York, USA
2005 Galerie BC2 Bettembourg, Luxembourg
2006 Centre des Arts de la corporation culturelle Shawinigan, Québec (prints)
2004 Galerie Dada, Theater Esch/Alzette, Luxembourg (prints)
2000 Info Video Center, Luxembourg-city, Luxembourg (prints)
1992 Galerie Schommer, Luxembourg-city, Luxembourg (paintings, drawings)
1991 French Cultural Center, Luxembourg-city, Luxembourg (paintings, drawings)
1990 Galerie Schweitzer, Mondorf-les-Bains, Luxembourg (paintings, drawings)
group exhibitions
2022 Cicatrice Urbaine, VEWA-DKollektif, Dudelange (L)
2021 Vestiaire de l'enfance, Espace Beausite, Arlon (B)
Pop Up Schwämm Strutzbierg Dudelange (L)
2020 Galerie op der Kap, Diane Jodes, Chantal Maquet, Ben Goerens, Capellen (L)
La Gravure dans tous ses états, Fellner Contemporary (L)
Figure in Print, Bibliothèque Nationale du Luxembourg et
Musée National d'Histoire et d'Art, Luxembourg (L)
2019 WANTED, Kulturhuef Grevenmacher (L)
Food For Your Senses Festival, container expo with the LOST BOYS, Luxembourg-City
2016-2023 Luxembourg Art Week, Take Off with Empreinte
2018 ICPEF, International Contemporary Printmaking Exhibition Forum, Luxembourg
2015 Münsterland Festival Part 8, Ahlen Kunstverein, Borken Stadtmuseum, Kloster Bentlage
2014 Abbaye de Neumünster, Luxembourg-city, Luxembourg, Empreinte-Kaus
2012 CAPe Centre des Arts Pluriels, Ettelbruck, Luxembourg, Empreinte
2011 Galerie Terres Rouges, KUFA Esch/Alzette, Luxembourg, Empreinte
2010 WANTED, Kulturhaus Niederanven, Luxembourg
Hong Kong Grafic Art Fiesta, Empreinte
Kulturfoyer, Saarbrücken, Germany
Galerie Espace Beausite, Arlon, Belgium
2009 Galerie du château Bourglinster,Luxembourg, Sylvie Karier and friends
Kulturhuef Grevenmacher,Luxembourg, Geschnitten und Gedruckt
2008 Galerie à la Buissionnière, Mâcon, France, Empreinte/Envers-Endroit
2007 Artmix 2, AMuseum Saarburg and Saarländisches Künstlerhaus, Sarrebruck, Germany
2006 Artmix 2, Beim Engel Luxembourg-city, Luxembourg
2005 Flying Carpet Project, Cercle Municipal,Luxembourg-city, Luxembourg
Luxembourg Embassy in Washington, USA
Baxter Chang Gallery, San Fransisco, USA
Luxembourg House, Luxembourg Consulate, New York, USA
2004 Galerie A Spiren, Strassen, Luxembourg, Empreinte
Galerie BC2, Bettembourg, Luxembourg, Empreinte, E.S.P.O.I.R.
Printmaking Festival Evora, Portugal
2003/2021 Printmaking Festival, Diekirch, Luxembourg
2002 Atelier Presse Papier, Trois-Rivières, Québec, Empreinte
1998 Galerie Dada, Théatre Esch/Alzette, Luxembourg, Empreinte
1990 Salon de Printemps LAC, 3rd prize offered by French Embassy Luxembourg, Luxembourg
participation in exhibitions in France, Spain, Denmark, Hong Kong, Germany, Belgium